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Block and Apartment Management

Ennis Gough Property is licenced by the PSRA (Property Services Regulatory Authority) to provide Property Management Services to apartment complexes and private residential developments as defined under the MUD (Multi Unit Developments) Act of 2011. Working with the Owners Management Company (OMC), we can provide day to day management of the development, thus relieving the directors of the workload and huge time commitments that running an OMC involve. The Management Agent will typically take over the management of the following activities, but this list is by no means exhaustive or definitive.

  • Managing block insurance, renewals and claims administration.
  • Arranging the AGM, booking the venue and communications with OMC members.
  • Preparing Budgets and recommending fees to the OMC directors.
  • Invoicing and collecting annual management fees.
  • Routine and planned maintenance.
  • Servicing of lifts, alarms, CCTV and other infrastructure as applicable.
  • Rubbish collection and outdoor gardening, landscaping and cleaning.
  • Ensuring compliance to house rules by residents.
  • Keyholding.
  • Emergency call-out and troubleshooting.
  • Liaison with OMC accountants, solicitors & suppliers.
  • Attendance at AGMs/EGMs and regular engagement with the OMC directors as needed.

The above services will not necessarily apply to all developments, and we are able to provide a bespoke solution for the specific needs of any OMC seeking our management expertise.